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Do you ever come across photos in your collection that seem to share a similar theme? As I work to sort and store more of my collection, I have noticed several common themes. The first theme is Men on Motorcycles. Do you have any photos in your collection of men on motorcycles? I’d love to see them if you will share a link in the comments, or share on social media with #familyhistoryphotofun and #menonmotorcycles

The first photo is my great-grandfather, Sidney James Barton, riding the motorcycle he used when courting my great-grandmother, Bessie Stevens. 

Sidney James Barton, age 19

The second photo is my father sitting on a cousin’s bike. (The nose injury was from an unrelated car accident.)

This last one is a group of folks sitting on a motorcyle. I know one is Horace Myers, not sure who all the others are, whether relatives or friends.

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