As I shared in this week’s #FamilyStoryMinute , my husband’s grandfather, George Ernest Finlay, worked in the tech sector in Chicago from the 1930s until the 1970s. (The apple does not fall from the tree, as my husband and his father both had technical careers as well.) We are so fortunate to have some photos of Ernie at his lab and also setting up test equipment out at his farm. In fact, we enjoy these photos so much that we enlarged and framed the lab photos for my husband to display at his office, and they have garnered many enthusiastic comments.
John Finlay
April 8, 2016 — 2:33 pm
These are some of my favorite pictures. I love the color tone and how they depict the birth of the modern tech Era. But I also love that they show my grandpa. They combine my favorite interests family history and technology.