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  1. Daniel STONE  Marriage1667 Mary MOORE 1641-1702 (Age 60)
    1. Elizabeth Betty STONE  Marriage1770 Amos DICKINSON 1743-1788 (Age 44)
      1. John STONE  Marriage1698 Sarah NUTTING 1663-1731 (Age 68)
          John STONE  Marriage1698 Sarah HOLDEN NUTTING 1663-1716
          1. Mary STONE  Marriage1659 Roger WHEELER 1630-1661 (Age 31)
            1. Mary Stone 1649-1701 (Age 52)  Marriage1681 Eliphalet Fox 1644-1711
              1. Mrs. Mary STONE  Marriage1659 Roger WHEELER 1630-1661 (Age 31)
                1. Sarah STONE  Marriage1702 Thomas CUTLER 1677-1759 (Age 82)

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