Compact Chart:
Abigail Otis Freeman

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Edmond Freeman
1655-1720 ‎(64)‎
Stephen Presbury
Compact Chart: I4433Compact Chart: I4500
Edmond Freeman
1683-1766 ‎(82)‎
Compact Chart: I4418 Edmond Freeman
1711-1800 ‎(88)‎
Compact Chart: I4419 Kezia Presbury
1687-1764 ‎(77)‎
Sylvanus Freeman
1721-1776 ‎(54)‎
Compact Chart: I4434Compact Chart: I4407Compact Chart: I4501Compact Chart: I4395
Sarah Skiffe
1652-1742 ‎(90)‎
Deborah Skiffe
Moody Freeman
1753-1828 ‎(75)‎
Compact Chart: I4380 Abigail Otis Freeman
Compact Chart: I4381
Kezie Freeman
1756-1810 ‎(53)‎
 Compact Chart: I4408Compact Chart: I4396
John Otis
1657-1727 ‎(70)‎
Compact Chart: I4477
Nathaniel Otis
1690-1739 ‎(49)‎
Compact Chart: I4473 Martha Otis
1717-1790 ‎(72)‎
Compact Chart: I4474 Abigail Russell
1687-1774 ‎(86)‎
Mary Dunham
1721-1815 ‎(93)‎
Compact Chart: I4478
Mercy Bacon
1659-1737 ‎(78)‎

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