When one begins asking genealogy questions at the tender age of 13, one seems like a good candidate to inherit the family keepsakes and photos as elderly family members pass away or can no longer care for these types of items. One being ME. I have inherited artifacts from both sides of my family, and now even from both sides of my husband’s family. I am the Keeper of the Memories, and I am happy to accept that position. Half of my (very large) master bedroom closet is filled with these items, in the random assortment of boxes, bags and stacks that they were given to me. It is high time I properly archive those materials, both digitally and physically.
This is the year. I started by purchasing a Shotbox to help me get clear, good quality images. I tried several less-expensive, homemade options, but none of those were working consistently, nor portable when I visit relatives. I already own several good camera options. Today, my order of archival materials arrived from University Products, so that as I digitally archive the photos and memorabilia, I can properly file and store it also. This will be a large, on-going project, but one I am ready and excited to tackle.

March 1, 2016