Our sons hold a unique opportunity, a chance to carry on a six-generation family tradition. Perhaps the tradition stretches on past six generations… but that has yet to be discovered. For the past six generations in my husband’s paternal line the men have been named: Joseph Sr., Joseph Jr., George Sr., George Jr., and my father-in-law and husband are Sr. and Jr.
Here are photos of the Senior and Junior sets:
Joseph John Finlay Sr. & Jr.
George Finlay Sr. & Jr.
We shared this traditional naming pattern with our three sons, along with a little nudge that they have the chance to extend this tradition to 8 generations if they name a future son a Jr. Our two teen sons actually thought this was a compelling idea, but asked if I was going to MAKE them do it. Of course not! I am only going to question and cajole your future fiancees to see if they will agree to this tradition…. No, not really! Our children will obviously have full naming authority over their own children. But this gal would sure be proud to have three little junior grandsons someday! And I will certainly continue to share my enthusiasm about the neat stories and traditions of our ancestry!
Barbara Kerr
November 4, 2015 — 12:53 pm
You have nice families named Finlay 🙂
My great grandmother was Louisa A. Finlay of Liverpool, Nova Scotia (1838 – 1923).
Louisa Finlay (or Finley) had a brother Richard Finlay. Their father was Maurice or Merrice Finlay who married Mary Robertson born about early 1800s.
Louisa Finlay married David Holland in Nova Scotia. Louisa lived with her daughter Mary Holland Perry (1862-1943) of Massachusetts.
I enjoy research and assist other people. However, I’ve yet to find Louisa’s deeper pedigree from the 1800s and 1700s..